My Pain is My Power is to help others not only survive but to thrive. I want to Empower, Motivate, and Inspire others. Our mission is to uplift the lost, sick, hurt, broken, and wounded to get the help they need and to begin their healing journey
My name is Tanisha Bankston. I am a mother of 3 children. I am from Grenada, Mississippi. I am a survivor of rape, molestation, incest, childhood sexual abuse, bullying, domestic violence, and Narcissistic Abuse. I am an author and speaker. I was raped at the age of 5 and not believed. I instantly lost my inner voice and went into a shell that took 27 years to come out of. I was taken from my mom, separated from my siblings and adopted by my aunt. I thought I was protected but was only failed. The broken judicial system failed me. I became a teen mom at the tender ages of 14 and 17. I lost one of my brothers to an accidental drug overdose. I’ve been in toxic and dysfunctional relationships. I found my inner voice July 3, 2020. God healed and delivered me from my pain and passed on September 4, 2020. I wrote and self-published my book “My Pain is My Power” on May 21, 2021. I created a private support group for survivors of sexual assault and domestic called “I Believe You” on Facebook. I have started a nonprofit organization called I Believe You Inc. My podcast launched April 1, 2022, and it’s called “My Pain is My Power Podcast.” I have Co-Authored in a book called “Joy Comes in The Morning.” I want people to know that they too can get through what they’ve gone through or what they’re going through, and there is HOPE.
Thank you for visiting our website. If you have any questions, feedback, or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Your thoughts are important to us, and we’re here to assist you in any way we can.
You can email us directly at [[email protected]], or give us a call at [662-699-0785]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Copyright @ 2024 Mypainismypower designed by Tunde Muili